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Boost your brain power with music
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Professional Development
Creative Thinking/Problem Solving
The BIG Smile Trust
Big smile Music Centre, 33 miller Rd, mangere bridge, Auckland 2022
Full Day
2-full days
$20 per hour
We at the BIG Smile Trust have launched a new programme called ‘Free’Key’ which helps anyone activate their creative brain, de-stress with Music. At the Free’key workshop you will learn up to 2-years of Music in just 2-days but you will most importantly learn how to apply this method to your workplace and personal life.

The workshop is focused on human growth and development – helping the each human being activate higher cognitive centres in the brain of awe, intuition, creativity, innovation, and breaking lower cognitive areas of anger, stress, fear, depression etc.

Even for those of you who feel you have no musical talent and have tried learning music earlier and absolutely distasted the years of hard work, time and money that goes into becoming a musician this workshop will completely change that. This workshop helps you unlock the immense brain potential that lies within each of you. We have taught students as old as 80 years who couldn’t pitch a note to perform confidently in public within a week. We have broken many world records at international music exams (, ).

Music is an excellent de-stressor and there is plenty of research that proves the importance of playing an instrument to the brain. It is like nothing you have experienced before. For just $280 you can learn 2-years of music and live a happier, creative, stress-free and musical life.

Next course on:
Date: 26th and 27th Feb (Sat and Sun)
Time: 9 am to 5 pm.
Musical Syllabus:
Location: 33 Miller Rd, Mangere Bridge, Auckland 2022
Course Material (3 books – brain book, music book and pop hit book will be provided)
Breaks: 2 tea breaks and 1 lunch break
• Tea and biscuits provided
• For lunch lots of cafes in the area.

Information on the method:
Contact Lydia @ 09 6220602, 027 6220602 or on or visit our website for more info: or
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