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Benefits Management
Dates will be avalible shortly
Professional Development
Project Management
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development
Level 2, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington City
Full Day
9:00am - 4.30pm
Early Bird Payment Fee until 23/08/11 $677.58
Programmes and projects are the normal vehicles for implementing investments and change initiatives. Programme and project management, with a strong focus on the delivery of capability (eg. new technology), are necessary but often insufficient to deliver the final business benefits promised in the business cases.

This one-day course aims to give participants a practical perspective on the concepts, approaches and techniques that can be used to plan and deliver business benefits that add value to their organisation.

Benefits delivery cannot be made the singular responsibility of the Programme or Project Manager. This course explains why benefits management needs to be integrated with programme and project management, as well as introducing key roles and responsibilities that are vital to success, and providing techniques that can be used at multiple levels within an organisation.

Who Should Attend:
Those who are involved in, or are responsible for, any programmes or projects and would like to improve the delivery of measurable value to their organisation.
This course is designed for public and private sector staff who:
* Approve or sponsor the programmes and/or projects tasked with achieving strategic goals
* Manage programmes and/or projects that should allow benefits to be realised
* Perform business analysis to identify and measure benefits delivery.

Course Objectives:
By the end of the course, participants can expect to:
* Understand the strategic role of benefits management and its value to organisations
* Understand the interrelationship between benefits management, project management and governance processes
* Understand the roles and responsibilities of key participants in the benefits management process
* Appreciate how benefits maps can be used to improve the preparation and execution of business cases
* Understand the keys steps to creating a benefits map and the subsequent analysis that can be performed
* Understand the principles of planning and controlling the unfolding of benefits over time using the Strategic Journey Mapping methodology (SJM)

Course Outline:
* An overview of benefits management and associated methodologies
* New roles and responsibilities required
* Linking strategy, business objectives and projects
* Developing and analysing a benefits map
* Establishing measures, ownership and timescales
* Benefits management and reporting

Course Format:
Delivered in workshop format, participants undertake case study exercises to reinforce the planning and control techniques presented and discussed.

Gary Philip, BSc PhD CEng

The course will be facilitated by Gary Philip. Gary has more than 20 years experience covering project and programme management and benefits realisation. Working on large and multi-national projects, Gary has a demonstrated track record of delivering significant business change to achieve strategic objectives, often involving high-risk mission-critical systems.
Gary's chartered engineering background coupled with his strong analytical and communication skills, allow him to bridge the gap from technologists to business leaders in both the public and private sectors. Over the past few years Gary has delivered training and mentoring in areas including project management and benefits management to a variety of customers.
Gary is a Principal Consultant with Xelocity Ltd and is responsible for the Benefits Delivery Excellence practice.
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