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Ancient Egypt: The Age of Empires
Dates will be avalible shortly
Personal Interest
Victoria University Community Continuing Education
Level 2, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington City
More Than 1 Week
6:15pm - 8:15pm
Early Bird Payment Fee 22/09/11 $108.00
This course is an in-depth look at the history and archaeology of ancient Egypt from the power of their mightiest empire to their final subjugation under Roman rule. Over six lectures you will examine the most well-known - and artistically and architecturally glorious - period of Egyptian history, and the subsequent political and military decline that led to the fall of the world's first nation state.

This is the third in a series of three courses that cover the chronological history of Ancient Egypt. The series provides an excellent background for our proposed Egypt study tour in early 2012.

Target Audience:
This course will be of interest to anyone who is enthusiastic about ancient history, classics and/or archaeology.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this course students will have:

* gained an in-depth overview of the final period of ancient Egyptian history.
* understood the internal and international politics impacting upon ancient Egypt.
* gained insight into social and religious developments during the New Kingdom, Late Period and Ptolemaic Period.
* developed an appreciation of the art, architecture and technology of the period.

Course Outline:
All six seminars will present an overview of the history and archaeology of ancient Egypt, with each seminar focusing on a particular period:

1. The 18th Dynasty - the glory of ancient Egypt
2. The 19th Dynasty - the age of Ramesses II
3. The 20th Dynasty - the decline of Empire
4. The 3rd Intermediate Period - Egypt divided
5. The Late Period - the Assyrian and Persian kings
6. The Ptolemies - the final flowering

Course Format:
This series of two-hour lectures is held one evening a week, over six weeks.

Relevant Links:
11C010A Ancient Egypt: From Pit Graves to Pyramids
11C011A Ancient Egypt: Divided and Conquered

Thursday, 6 October 2011 6:15pm - 8:15pm Lecture
Thursday, 13 October 2011 6:15pm - 8:15pm Lecture
Thursday, 20 October 2011 6:15pm - 8:15pm Lecture
Thursday, 27 October 2011 6:15pm - 8:15pm Lecture
Thursday, 3 November 2011 6:15pm - 8:15pm Lecture
Thursday, 10 November 2011 6:15pm - 8:15pm Lecture
Sarah Vidler is a freelance consultant, guide and teacher of ancient Egyptian archaeology. She has led and co-led the two recent Victoria University study tours to Egypt.

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