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Advanced Policy Leadership Workshop
5 Sep 2013
Professional Development
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development Level 2, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington City
Two Days
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Early Bird Discount available until 28 days prior to the course start date $1,255.50 excl GST
This two-day workshop looks at policy analysis and advisory roles in the New Zealand public sector context, including ways to enhance individual and organisational policy capability and performance. It is designed for public sector advisors and managers who are seeking to build the policy profession and enhance the effectiveness of the public sector advisory system.

To deliver the best quality learning experience on this course we require 12 or more participants. We make every attempt to reach this number, but if it is not reached we will reschedule the course and you will be given the choice to transfer to the new date or have your fee refunded. We appreciate your understanding with this.

Who Should Attend:
The course is designed for senior policy analysts, advisers and managers seeking to enhance policy skills, capability and leadership in their organisation.

Learning Objectives:

•Designing and selecting approaches to policy development which are fit for purpose, reflect good practice principles and deliver public value;
•Creating effective policy and management strategies that support quality policy analysis and advising;
•Fostering skills development and policy leadership to enhance individual and organisational policy capability, performance and leadership.
Course Outline:

•Policy analysis and advising - understanding the policy system;
•Expanding the policy toolkit: models, frameworks and strategies to support better policy practices;
•Advancing policy leadership: enhancing the quality and value of analysis and advice and building the policy profession;
•Improving policy communication and engagement with the Minister, stakeholders and the media;
•Building policy and management capability to enhance organisational and policy system performance.
Course Format:
This workshop uses different formats including presentation, small and large group discussion and case studies. Participants complete a pre-course questionnaire to identify specific areas of interest, and are expected to complete a small amount of pre-course reading material.

You will also receive a personal copy of Adding Value to Policy Analysis and Advice, C.Scott and K. Baehler (UNSW Press, 2010).

Further Details:
If you would like more information about this programme, please contact us on:
Ph: 64 4 463 6556 Fax: 64 4 463 6550 Email:

Customised Workshops:
Victoria Professional and Executive Development are able to customise many of our workshops to meet specific individual or organisational requirements. Please contact us for further information
Claudia Scott is Professor of Public Policy at Victoria University's School of Government and at the Australia and New Zealand School of Government. She has designed, taught and facilitated courses in policy analysis and advising for professional development and academic credit in New Zealand and Australia. She is co-author (with Karen Baehler) of Adding Value to Policy Analysis and Advice, UNSW Press, 2010.

Shenagh Gleisner has managed front line health services, was a Director of KPMG, and has held senior positions in the public services and state sector - including at the State Services Commission, the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Women's Affairs and the Acting Deputy Chief Executive of the Department of Labour. She now works as a contractor across many public sector agencies. Her qualifications include a Master of Science, a Master of Public Policy and a certificate in Maori Studies
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