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Achieving Better Self Management
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Professional Development
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development
Victoria University Professional and Executive Development Level 2, Rutherford House, 23 Lambton Quay, Wellington City
Two Days
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Early Bird Discount available until 28 days prior to the course start date $1,431.00 excl GST
"The Art of Deliberate Success"®

When you improve your skills of self-management you increase your productivity and become truly focused on outcomes that matter in your professional and personal life.

This unique course (with one-hour of private one-on-one coaching), created by international thought leader Dr. David Keane, is based on his extensive study and coaching with some of the world's most successful people over a period of over 20 years.

In essence, Dr. Keane discovered that people who are excellent at self-management have developed superior skills of self-discipline across a number of areas of their lives, and as a result, they achieve a consistently better performance and get more done with less.

The great news is that these skills are learnable. This course shows you how.

Who Should Attend:
While this course has been specially designed for those in the public sector, it is relevant to those in all sectors.

Typically attendees are:

•Interested in achieving their full potential in all aspects of their lives.
•People who have too much to do in the time available.
•Professionals who are early to mid-career and want to get to the next level.
•Senior professionals who are looking ahead or at a transition phase of some kind.
•Individuals who want to achieve better work/life integration.
This course is also offered in-house and is an ideal way for teams to make significant improvements in relationships and in productivity.

Learning Objectives:

•Understand and use a practical range of tools and techniques adopted by people who have superior self-management skills.
•Identify your own unique method of work so you and those around you can be more productive.
•Dramatically reduce unwanted stress in your life.
•Gain greater alignment between what is important to you and what you actually spend your time doing.
•Become a master of managing your time.
•Become a more decisive decision maker.
•Link your personal goals and aspirations with those of your organisation.
•Achieve better work/life integration for you and your family.
Course Outline:
The course content is structured around the Art of Deliberate Success® framework, which is a way of thinking and acting in your professional and personal life that leads you to superior self-management and to becoming truly successful. The DELIBERATE framework is built on the idea that you can deliberately and consciously place your focus on 10 distinct aspects of your life to achieve extraordinary results.

These 10 aspects are represented by a single D-E-L-I-B-E-R-A-T-E letter and colour. The course gives you powerful tools and techniques in each area, and shows you to put them together to become the artist of your own professional and personal life:

Decide (Black)
Be clearly black and white about deciding what's important to you.

Eliminate (Red)
Stop or eliminate those things in your life which don't really matter.

Language (Aqua) Like the waves of the aqua blue ocean, the gentle sound of your repeating internal voice, or your language, creates you.

Information (Grey) Just like the colour of newsprint, grey reminds us to become skilled and discerning in an information-soaked world.

Beliefs (Pink) We believe that the sky is blue when, in fact, it's pink. Where else are we mistaken?

Energy (Orange) Oranges-a good source of energy and vitality-help us to align our body and mind for maximum health and impact.

Responsibility (Yellow) Happily accepting responsibility for your personal and professional worlds changes how you look at things.

Action (Green) Go and take action in ways that bring out the best in you.

Time (Purple) Purple is the colour of royalty, reminding us to become the King or Queen of our most important resource: time.

Evaluate (Blue) From time to time, get your blue pen out and formally evaluate or review how you're going.

You can get more detailed information by visiting Dr Keane's website:

Additional Value
You get:

•One hour of private coaching from a qualified coach, two weeks after the course. Review your progress and fine-tune the application of the Deliberate framework to your work and personal life. This helps you to embed your new learning in your everyday life.
•A member-only login password where you can track your progress with our powerful online DQ Deliberate Quotient® Quiz and Dashboard.
•An inspiring Workbook, Journal, and Readings pack.
•Ongoing member-only access to our extensive library of online resources and support tools.
Course Format:
This is a two-day interactive course followed by a one-hour individual coaching session a week later with a qualified coach.

The coaching session allows you to try out some new ideas and discuss your experiences in a supportive way.

Dr David Keane ( is an international presenter, workshop leader and author who has devoted his life and career to helping create workplaces that bring out the very best in people both in their professional and personal lives.

Over the last 23 years he has worked with some of the world's top business and government leaders to unlock the secrets of their success. Based on his own five-year intensive research of successful managers as well as extensive other study, Dr. Keane has created inspiring programmes that have a profound impact on participants. His presentation style is highly engaging, fun, and memorable.

In the last four years alone, he has personally coached over 850 people from all walks of life and delivered workshops and keynote addresses throughout Australasia and Europe.

David is a former business school dean, university professor, business executive and consultant with both PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte Consulting. He has published many articles and book chapters on various management issues. His book, The Art of Deliberate Success, is planned for global publication in 2011.

Dr Keane lives with his family in New Zealand.

"I wish I had been on this course years ago. It has given me several models which have vastly improved my understanding of success which I can use to exert greater influence in my role on the management team." Services Manager, State Services Commission

"I did enjoy the course. I think David's sincerity, breadth of knowledge and specialist expertise makes this course a real winner. The best thing about the course is that it can be applied to anyone regardless of their position and experience."
Policy Analyst, Ministry of Fisheries

"Following your course, I made some really positive changes that have made a big difference to both my work life and also at home."
Policy Analyst, ACC

"One of the best workshops I have attended. The content was professionally presented, extremely easy to understand, and immediately applicable in the workplace."
Administration Manager, Victoria University

Further Details:
If you would like more information about this programme, please contact us on:
Ph: 64 4 463 6556 Fax: 64 4 463 6550 Email:

Customised Workshops:
Victoria Professional and Executive Development are able to customise many of our workshops to meet specific individual or organisational requirements. Please contact us for further information.
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