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Accepting Myself, Warts and All
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Personal Interest
Self Awareness
Conscious Living
St Columba Centre, 40 Vermont Street, Ponsonby
After Hours
6.30pm - 9.30pm
I am delighted to announce the first of our Conscious Living seminar series and would like to invite you along toTRAIN INSPIRE MOTIVATE and EMPOWER YOU!


How might life be different if you accepted yourself warts and all?
How is your ego playing out?
What are the blocks that stop you from being all you can be?
When and why do you play it safe?
What is no longer serving you that you are keeping in place?
What is frustrating you about your patterns and behaviour/s?
What is it costing you to allow your ego to control you?
What do you really need?

You will be taken on a journey throughout this evening where you will find the answers to these questions and...

- learn about the aspects of your ego and how to embrace them

- access beliefs that may be holding you back from being all you can be

- reconnect with the inner power that you may have lost or given away

- remember who you are on a deeper level

- be provided with empowering tools to take into your life and offer to your
friends and family

- learn about how to apply simple techniques to bring about more abundance
into your life

- learn valuable tools of conscious communication

It's a wild ride so come and be surprised and leave feeling empowered with a tool box to take away.

Our first speaker is Sheree Carbery, Creator and Co-Director of Conscious Living, NLP practitioner, Journey Therapist and Holistic Coach. Sheree has featured on the cover of Rainbow News and on the Living Channel with April Iremia.

Sheree comes to you with a wealth of knowledge and expertise on many levels and not only works with clients to clear long standing issues and propel them forward on their journey, but has been through her own incredible transformational journey.

Sheree Carbery spent 13 years in the corporate world before embarking on a career as an international flight attendant. During this time she spent 15 months working in private aviation in Saudi Arabia, where she had more money than she’d ever imagined, a life of fun, excitement and high society living – yet she still felt something was missing from her life. It was at this time that she came across life coaching and journey therapy, embarking on the most rewarding journey of all – self discovery.

Sheree has qualifications in, holistic and intuitive coaching, journey therapy, energy healing, dance therapy, nutrition and personal training. She is passionate about supporting others on their own path to self realisation and the unique 12-week programme provides clients with tools to empower, nurture and honour themselves at all levels.

Sheree is based in Titirangi where she lives with her partner and 4 year old son. Sheree was gifted the concept of Conscious Women and realised the importance of bringing this to other women that deserve this way of being and also knew that this work needed to be held as a collective and co-created with like minded souls. This allowed her to see the beautiful network of friends and colleagues she had met over the past few years and an invitation was put out to join her on this journey of changing the consciousness of our planet…starting right here with herself.
Sheree runs regular workshops and retreats designed to support women in healing and personal growth with an emphasis on the sacred feminine. Her gentle yet powerful way of working brings out a depth and experience for her clients that could otherwise be locked away forever.

“ My journey has only just begun and every day I am grateful for the life I live, and that I am blessed with a gift that I can now pass on to others. I look forward to sharing this with you.” Sheree Carbery

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