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A New Paradigm for Leadership in Uncertain Times – The Three Universal Principles to Navigate Your Life By
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Professional Development
Accounting / Finance
The Corporate Tool-box
1 hour webinar
If ever the world needed a new paradigm for leadership it is NOW. When we see the devastating ripples caused by the Global Financial Collapse and watch as Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal and now the USA fight their debt battles – is it time to say enough? We can’t keep doing what we are doing, as individuals, businesses and governments.

This month’s free webinar features Steve Sharpley (UK) and Gilly Chater (NZ) two people who are passionate about leadership.

What Steve and Gilly will cover:

• How to live life with greater ease yet achieve better results
• The ways to stay calm and be creative – even in times of great crisis
• How to access powerful insights which will lead to competitive advantage
• Why some people seem to glide through difficult situations while others don’t
• How to improve relationships regardless of individuals or circumstances
• A universal way of understanding the human experience
• How to create a healthy high performance culture
Steve Sharpley is a high performance individual, team and leadership development specialist. He is also a professional speaker and author of 'Success Is a Mind Game: how to improve consistency and results in golf and business'.

Gilly Chater has worked for the rich and famous as a chef, but now works with corporates helping them gain insights as to why they do what they do in the way they do it. She believes that insights are the precursors to breakthroughs. Over the years Gilly has taken the principle-based approach to a diverse range of people and companies. She believes that now, more than ever, the business world needs an insight into what they are doing and what results that is causing.
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