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1-on-1 Leadership Coaching
At a time that suits you
Professional Development
Elite LD Ltd
Location TBA
usually 4 x 2 hour sessions
Price varies depending on numbers and requirements
The number one factor in determining if an employee is happy in their role is the state of the relationship between the staff member and their immediate Line Manager. If this relationship is strong and the employee feels valued and respected then the employee is more likely to stay. However, if the relationship is poor then the employee is likely to leave. This is regardless of other factors such as money, career prospects, work conditions, all of which we usually consider vital for employee retention. We have all been there and worked in poor conditions at some point because we have a great boss. Unfortunately we have also experienced the opposite.

The most worrying thing about this is that a lot of poor relationships between staff member and Manager are not recognised. I’ve coached a lot of managers who are just oblivious to the state of their relationships. They think everything is fine, completely unaware that employees are searching around for a new job. This is a clear illustration of poor leadership skills. Managers are often hired on the strength of their subject matter expertise and rarely on their ability to manage people. Now this approach is fine if the Manager receives training on how to lead and get the most out of his team, but this seldom happens. A lot of companies often consider leadership skills as something that comes with experience or even worse they send a Manager on a one or two day course and expect everything to be fixed when they come back to work. Sadly the end result is usually the opposite.

Leadership is a series of skills and behaviours that can be learned, and once learned these skills can change an average team into a high performing team, a sterile workplace into a high-performing workplace and employees who want to leave into employees who want to stay. All this can happen with just some time spent on expert Leadership Coaching with someone who is experienced in developing valuable people skills such as team building, motivating, conflict and performance management.
Mark Wager is an experienced Manager and MBTI certified practitioner.

With over 20 years of managerial experience in various industries including Retail, Finance industry and the public service in the United Kingdom and here in New Zealand

Mark has written many articles on success and leadership for publications such as Lifestyle for Men (US), M2 magazine, NZ management monthly, NZ Business magazine and ME magazine.

Mark has recently published his first book called Elite Leadership
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