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Facilitating with the Whole Brain in Mind – how to use whole brain thinking to engage learners' brains and make that learning last

Monday August 1, 2011

Every brain is wired differently so therefore everyone has different preferred modes of learning and thinking. If we understand where learners are coming from mentally, within the context of what they need to learn, then we can use specific techniques and tools to ramp them up more quickly.

For those developing learning, the key is to both recognise the mental effort that can be required when people have to handle tasks outside their preferred styles and to design in elements that can make the learning process easier on them.

Whole Brain Tips & Traps

While everyone is different, remember that the world is a composite Whole Brain®:

  • Be aware of the filters your own preferences might be creating; you should design and deliver with the preferences and styles of your audience in mind.
  • Using a Whole Brain® approach will ensure you reach all learning styles for maximum readiness and retention.
  • The more important the learning points, the more important it is to use a Whole Brain® approach.

Consider all aspects of your learning activities, including:

  • Curriculum Development
  • Teaching and Training
  • Learning Design
  • E-Learning
  • Presentation Design
  • Course Titles
  • Communication/Marketing
  • How You “Sell” the Course and Its Value

You can use this Whole Brain Checklist as a way to organise different kinds of activities and approaches.


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